Saturday, March 5, 2011

Sweet Potato Fries- half fried, half baked

This recipe works with regular potatoes too. The half frying, half baking process results in the best of both (crispy but not greasy).

2 sweat potatoes. Or yams, I always forget which is which.
Oil- canola works well for this since it heats to a high temperature.
Garlic salt and pepper
  1. Cut up the sweet potatoes. I find these come out better if I cut the sweet potatoes to be somewhere in between the size of fast food fries and steak fries. Too small and they'll get mushy; too big and it's hard to cook them through.
  2. Cover the bottom of a frying pan with oil and add the sweet potatoes on medium heat. I don't fully submerge fries when I cook them, since I finish the process with baking which cooks them through. Just enough oil to brown one side of the fries at a time.
  3. Heat the oven to 350 degrees.
  4. Flip the sweet potatoes every few minutes until they've all browned a bit on more than one one side. So long as they don't char, don't worry about over-browning- the browning carmelizes them and makes them quite tasty.
  5. Now transfer them for baking to finish. I have a vegetable steamer that opens up flat, so I put that in a baking dish and put the fries on top of it. This let's the excess oil drip down and gives them a nice air baking. But if you don't have a means of doing that, a cookie sheet will do too.
  6. Garlic salt and pepper them.
  7. Bake for 20-25 minutes. I'll usually make burgers while they're baking.

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