Monday, February 6, 2012

You know it's bad when you forget about chocolate

A week ago I bought myself a dark chocolate bar.  It was very much an impulse buy one morning in the midst of the Client Cutover From Hell.  I slipped that bar of chocolate into my purse... and today I remember it's there.  That chocolate bar that I had a week ago decided might give some brief chemical reprieve.  And now as I sit at the tail-end of the Client Cutover From Hell, I celebrate with my chocolate.  It really tells you more about this week than much else I could say.  And yet I will.

I have a few gripes after going through this process.  These are things I have long been sick of but now that they've become the cause of much sleep deprivation, I therefore declare war on....
  • Crap software companies that over-charge non-profits with promises of technology like you haven't seen since the mid-90s.  I'm looking at you, Convio Luminate!  This I think is worth a post in and of itself.
  • Crap IT support who don't have any clue what they're doing. Some of my difficulties ended up being the result of having to reverse engineer what turned out to be a completely asinine domain configuration by this organization's IT support consultant.  They've already expressed dissatisfaction with this guy, and I'm going to recommend that they drop him altogether.
  • Visualforce reRenders.  I used to think it was me, that there were just nuances to reRendering in Visualforce that I was missing.  And while I'm sure that is the case at times, I'm now also quite sure that the way reRender works in Visualforce can be just plain inconsistent.  I discovered in this project that pages that I wrote months ago that were working perfectly fine, now had to re-written because reRenders which previously worked no longer did.  My fellow developer and contractor has found the same thing and has taken to using a third-party Javascript to do the reRenders in many scenarious.  I'm with her (yup, another female developer!)