Thursday, January 15, 2009

Google Maps in Visualforce

So as I go to write this, I see a project up on the Salesforce code share site for Google Maps and Earth in Visualforce. Perhaps this will still be useful to someone though, so I'll forge on. My organization tracks interviews (as a custom object) that we send our participants on and generally our Job Developers generate directions from to give to them. This seemed like a good candidate for what I thought was a quick Visualforce page. I went down a few avenues trying to accomplish this, but I'll start with the path I ultimately chose and then review the options I gave up on.

What I ended up using was Google Maps for mobile devices. Why the mobile version? I wanted the maps and route in a frame because I was also including information from Salesforce about the interview. The full site was unwieldy in the frame and didn't print properly. And also because I found the parameter options for the mobile version that could easily be passed via a URL to generate the route. So here's the code that I ended up with; you'll notice some if statements in the parameters because the address used can come from two different places, but the concept should still come through:

<apex:iframe id="hopstop" height="1400px" width="600px" frameborder="true" src="{!if(IsNull(Interview__c.Opportunity__r.Address__c),Interview__c.Opportunity__r.Account.BillingStreet, Interview__c.Opportunity__r.Address__c)}&county2={!if(IsNull(Interview__c.Opportunity__r.Borough__c),Interview__c.Opportunity__r.Account.Borough__c, Interview__c.Opportunity__r.Borough__c)}&language=en&mode=a&transfer_priority=1&day=1&time=50400&city1=newyork&city2=newyork&submitted=y&sid=&sub_action=" >

That frame is inside of a table with details about the interview. We're always using the same starting point since people are leaving from our office. The format for the mobile device works well for printing, the only unfortunate aspect is that the height of the frame couldn't be dynamic (100% set it to the height of the table, not the content inside the frame) so it can potentially have unnecessary space at the end.

So this ended up being pretty simple, but now for an overview of the other attempts I made just in case anyone else considers trying them. I started out playing with I was able to find some parameters that I could pass in in the URL that would set the To and From fields, but didn't actually execute the search. It was also too much having the Hopstop header, sidebar, ads and everything else included on the page that was returned, even if I could get it to execute.

Next attempt, the Hopstop API. To use the API, you have to sign up and get a key which will only work with 1 IP address. That ruled out using the API in Apex, since Salesforce could make the calls from a number of IPs and there would have been legal issues anyway. So I considered making the calls in Javascript on the Visualforce page, since it would always be called from our office here from 1 IP address. The issue there was that the API returns XML files, and Firefox (our primary browser here) has security restrictions regarding XML file transfers being called from a page on one domain to another. There's a way around this, but it involves not only changing settings in Firefox, but updating (or inserting) a config file on the user's machine. Well, we're using Salesforce so that we have a web-based application, so I wanted to avoid that method. It also just didn't seem like the best idea to be making people's browsers less secure just to display a route.

Google API, same issues as Hopstop. So I finally stumbled on the Google Mobile wiki and went with that. As is often the case when first playing with new technologies, I spent a great deal of time coming up with a rather simple solution.